Great Customer Service Lasts Forever

great customer service lasts forever

If you’re looking to succeed in the highly competitive world of business, you must understand the wants and needs of your customer base. When you place the customer at the centre of your business strategy, your company becomes the top of their priorities.

It can be difficult to win the hearts of customers. Frustrated customers have the power to cause damage to your brand by exposing your downfalls with feedback that has the potential, thanks to the internet, to spiral out of control. You do not have a choice but to create an experience which is enjoyable and memorable, each and every time. When achieved, customers will return the favour with loyalty and support.

It’s essential for your business to offer a seamless customer service experience across all platforms. Whether responding to emails, monitoring social media or attending telephone calls, all customer interaction must be customer focused. Your business can stand out from your competitors by taking your customer service to the next level with telephone answering services.

While you’re away from your desk, are you missing calls?

How many times have you missed a phone call because you were too busy, away from your desk or otherwise engaged? When you ignore phone calls, customers are left to leave a voice message on your answering machine. But nobody uses voicemail anymore.

Phones are now smart and voicemail no longer is. Forbes reports that 80 percent of callers hang up on voicemail. Callers are more likely to hang up and contact another company than opt to leave a voice message. This means you could be losing business to your competitors.

10 reasons you need telephone answering services

1. When calls are being outsourced to a telephone answering service, you will never miss a business opportunity again.

2. If you’re not answering your phone calls, your competitors will be!

3. No caller will have to unwillingly leave a voice message again.

4. The telephone is the first choice of contact for many customers. Therefore, it’s important that you create the right impression. A virtual assistant services will be highly-trained to deal with customer enquiries and create an everlasting first impression.

5. Outsourcing your call handling means your business is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. All calls are dealt with no matter the time of day.

6. Customers don’t want to wait. InsideSales reports 50 percent of buyers choose to do business with the company that responds first.

7. Outsourcing calls to a telephone answering service is a cheaper alternative to employing a full-time receptionist.

8. When somebody is monitoring your phone calls, you can concentrate on business without being constantly interrupted. Work is completed quicker and no customer call is lost.

9. Your virtual staff are briefed to answer your phone calls in your company’s name, exhibiting dedication and a profound fondness for your business.

10. As telephone answering services are both comprehensive and flexible, the service advances as your business grows.
