Cheap telephone answering can be hard to come by.
Often there will be a monthly charge, and you’ll need to pay set-up fees and in some cases, training costs. All of these costs add up, and for a small business it just isn’t feasible to pay that much for a service.
There are however, other, cheaper telephone answering options.
For a cheap telephone answering, we’d recommend a pay as you go service.
It works like buying a mobile phone. If your monthly phone usage is high, in that you make lots of calls and texts, you’ll benefit from a monthly ...
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If you’re a small business owner, you might find it difficult to switch off from your business.
According to a report from the Telegraph, over a third of entrepreneurs worked 24/7 – never closing their business. Later, a panel would agree that entrepreneurs worry more about balancing their work life balance than they do making money.
24/7 Telephone Answering
It’s important to be able to step away from your business. The need to switch off is often not an option for entrepreneurs, but it’s vital, not only for the work life balance, but the sake of their company.
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Some of the biggest companies in the world started with one person, a dream and limited resource. Household brands like Disney, Apple and Google started from home and grew into billion dollar organisations.
We’ve listed 14 huge businesses that started from home.
1. Apple
Perhaps the most famous home start-up of them all. Apple, one of the world’s leading brands, had very humble beginnings.
From a garage in Cupertino, California Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne began working on the first Apple computers. In 30 days, the small team produced 50 “Apple 1” computers and sold them at $500 ...
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Here’s a question; how many times a day do you look at your smartphone? I bet the number’s quite high. If you’re not checking your Facebook feed, you might be on your Whatsapp group or just catching up on your emails.
Business owners, just like you, are seeing the advantages of using apps to better manage their days. We’ve found the 6 of the best time saving apps available and listed them below. What’s better, they’re all free on iOS and Andriod.
1. Google Calendar
The beauty of Google Calendar lies in its simplicity. It’s quick and easy to ...
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We get asked a lot of questions about telephone answering. We’ve listed the most frequently asked questions from businesses considering a telephone answering service.
What is telephone answering?
In its simplest form, telephone answering is when your business calls are answered by a specialist service.
The calls are then either transferred to the relevant person/department or a message is taken.
The service itself works by diverting your phone line to a number provided by your telephone answering service provider.
Who answers the calls?
All telephone calls are answered by human PA’s.
Where they are based will depend on the telephone ...
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Are you looking to sell your products online? Moving your business online can potentially save you money and boost sales.
However, many business owners fall down at the first hurdle when it comes to selling their product online. Concerns about the lack of IT knowledge, the amount of time running an online operation will take and concerns over the costs of setting up.
But the reality is that selling products online is relatively simple. In this post, we’ll run you through the steps of selling your products online, and how to maximise online sales.
1. Choose a platform to sell online
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We know, we know. Making time for the gym is easier said than done. The constant battle between your work and personal life is hard enough without finding time for the gym.
But studies suggest that working out can be great for business; improving your energy levels and releasing stress.
We’ve put together 5 ways you can make time for the gym when running a business.
1. Get up an hour earlier
Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to fit in your workout. But getting up an hour earlier isn’t as painful as it sounds. All you need is ...
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Pay as you go telephone answering is the perfect option for smaller businesses or those with a lower call volume. There are many reasons why you should be using a pay as you go telephone answering service – but we’ve whittled it down to 5.
1. Professional image for your business
If you’re a builder, answering your business calls on a building site isn’t ideal. Likewise, if you’re a lawyer, taking the call next to a busy main road won’t give ...
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If you’re self-employed, booking a holiday can be a daunting prospect. But leaving your business unmanned needn’t be a worry.
We’ve listed the 5 things business owners do before going on holiday.
1. Plan
It’s a good idea to plan holidays around your business. For example, if you own a B&B, it would be better to take your holiday a week in November than a week in August. If your business is non-seasonal, identify a week which has been quiet the past couple of years.
Think about anything you have ongoing. Monthly appointments and advertising spend will need to be ...
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There are over 1.6 million people working from home in the UK. The increase in numbers can be attributed to flexible working, freelancing and start-up businesses.
Starting a new business from home can be particularly challenging – especially if you’re doing it yourself. We’ve listed 6 things you should do when working from home.
1. The admin: taxman and insurance
When starting a new business, you must tell the tax man – this will avoid any problems further down the line. This should be done within the first 3 months of trading. For further information on starting a business ...
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